Thursday, February 14, 2008

The journey's just beginning...

It's started. I officially submitted my Peace Corps application on February 6, 2008. Thanks to some gentle prodding by my amazing friend/roommate, Lucy (and by prodding I mean "you can't have a birthday party until your Peace Corps application is done, now go to your room and write your essay") I finally hit the "Submit" button while sitting at my home away from home, GrandCentral. What better way to mark the next chapter of my life than with my extended family? And considering the 7th was my birthday, what a better present to myself?

Less than a week later I received a letter from my recruiter (Rachelle) informing me to call her to schedule an interview. Unfortunately it's a holiday weekend and she's out of the office, but you bet I'll be calling first thing next week to get started on the rest of this journey.

I can't exactly recollect when I first thought about joining Peace Corps; but for quite awhile now it's been in the back of my mind, and most recently pushing its way to the front. Making the decision to forgo grad school and apply directly for PC was a difficult one, but one that I know was right. I've never been into this whole blogging thing, but it's the perfect time to start. It's going to be one heck of a ride, and I'm glad you all will be joining me for it!!

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-Mahatma Gandhi